
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Balt. Sun: Montgomery County, The class dummy

The Baltimore Sun: The class dummy

Our view: Montgomery County's display of pique over tying teacher evaluations to test scores threatens Maryland's chance to win millions of dollars in federal school aid

...What they expect to accomplish is hard to fathom. Montgomery County may be the state's largest school system, but it's behaving like the schoolyard bully who makes life miserable for everyone else when he can't get his way. Its refusal to sign off on the state's plan for teacher evaluations won't make it exempt from the requirement. That's a state law, and it will have to obey it, like it or not. But because the state's application will be judged in large part on its ability to demonstrate all its major stakeholders are solidly behind reform, the naysayers are throwing a monkey wrench in the works that could make it much less likely Maryland will be granted an award...

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