
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Floreen: Council found money for 9 police officers for schools.

On this evening's call-in program with County Executive Ike Leggett and County Council President Nancy Floreen, Floreen announced that the Council has found funding to put 9 police officers in Montgomery County schools in the fall. (Previously 33 were in schools, plus 1 funded by the City of Gaithersburg and not part of the County funding.) She said the rest of the funding for these officers would have to come from MCPS.

Police officers in MCPS facilities are known as Educational Facilities Officers or EFO's.  This is the latest in the EFO chess game that has been going on as part of the FY11 budget discussions. 


  1. So which schools are they going to pick for the nine officers? (or is it MCPS's plan to ask the PTA's at some schools to "pick up the cost"?)

  2. Gee, let me guess where they're going to go...

  3. Is there a report anywhere detailing the effectiveness of the EFO program? What have been the results of the program? Measurable and otherwise?

  4. The officers should stay in the schools east of 270 where the most trouble is. But to be politically correct watch and see if they put two in schools west of 270.

  5. If MCPS is not a county agency, why are the taxpayers getting slammed by this wasteful and what some say is fraudulent organization? According to the Gazette our libraries are being cut by almost 25%, similar for other county organizations on which we rely, to feed this beast. The state should pick up these costs. Those who support the BOE and MCPS no matter what and are in lock-step with them, should go to the state to get this money.

  6. I agree. MCPS wants to hide behind the shield of not being part of Montgomery County Government, but rather they are a State Agency.

    So go to Martin O'Malley and ask him to put troopers in the schools, not our County Police.

    If MCPS wants to be part of Montgomery County, they should act like it. And being part of the community would include not blackmailing our county with the threat of a lawsuit.

    Bob Astrove


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