
Saturday, May 29, 2010

O'Neill & Weast stifle Board discussion

"What's Styrofoam?"

Below is a letter from Board of Education President Patricia O'Neill and Superintendent Jerry Weast to select County Councilmembers. The issue: Styrofoam trays (polystyrene trays) in the Piney Branch Elementary School lunchroom.

There are two things about this letter that are very interesting.

One, O'Neill and Weast attempt to speak for the Board of Education. The Board of Education has never discussed or voted on the pilot proposal from the Piney Branch Young Activists Club to install a dishwasher in their school's kitchen and eliminate Styrofoam trays. Why are O'Neill and Weast so anxious to override the Board of Education and prevent discussion? What are they afraid of?

Two, O'Neill and Weast proudly detail how Styrofoam trays from MCPS lunchrooms are burned in the County incinerator.

ONeill and Weast Response 4-15-10


  1. ha ha ha ha ha

    The Board of Education has "attempted to concentrate limited resources to produce the greatest return on investment"?

    Great! How much money have we made on the Palm Pilot deal?

    How much money are we getting out of all the artificial turf deals?

    I'd have to say if there is one thing that the current and past Boards of Education have NOT understood, it is the term "return on investment."

    They do know how to spend money though.

  2. Your photo of the kids in the lunch line.

    Look at the floor, they are standing on Asbestos Tile!

    Bob Astrove

  3. Thankfully standing on asbestos tile is not eating it! No danger in walking on asbestos tile. Contrast that to inhaling burning Styrofoam like we apparently do in MoCo.


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