
Friday, May 28, 2010

Police union leader: "bloated bureaucracy at the school board"

From WTOP news:

Police upset at Montgomery County budget cuts

ROCKVILLE, Md, - Montgomery County Police feel that budget cuts hurt police more than anyone else in the county.

Walter Bader, with Police Union FOP Lodge #35, complains that police are having to do less with more, and will be furloughed while school employees will not.

"The school system's getting 57 percent of the money, and it's only because [Montgomery County School Superintendent] Jerry Weast is a better politician than any one of those nine people there [the Montgomery county Council] or [County Executive] Ike Leggett," says Bader.

"What we got was a lot of bad faith and a lot of our money being sent over to the bloated bureaucracy at the school board," he says. 

Full article here.


  1. The last time that the police were furloughed, back in the 80's, they brought officers in on overtime to cover the beats that were not covered. It was a sham and not widely reported. Lets see what happens this time.

  2. Mr. Bader, were you in the PTA? Did you vote for this BOE? These councilmembers? Please examine your own support of this bloated monster that is MCPS. Thank you very much for speaking out. Please be aware that it is your elected BOE that runs this school system, not Weast who is a county employee. At any time the PTA, the council, or the BOE could have stopped this bloated overpaid monster. Now is the time and I am glad to see you and other members of our community are finally waking up. Let's hope its not too late. And please realize that the monster is also fed by Mr. Fred Hiatt, the editor at the Post who has spent his career fawning over Weast. Step up, Mr. Hiatt and take credit where credit is due.


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