
Friday, May 21, 2010

"raw political fear"

Police, firefighters to be furloughed in Montgomery | Washington Examiner

...County workers -- including uniformed public safety officials originally thought to be spared from mandated off time -- will take three to eight days of furloughs in the fiscal year starting July 1, depending on their salaries. Some of the roughly 12,000 employees will lose 3 percent of their yearly earnings.
At the same time, public school employees won't be dinged workdays, with top brass in the Montgomery County Public Schools system vowing to avoid furloughs...

...Gino Renne, president of the Montgomery Municipal and County Government Employees Organization, said the schools are bloated.
"County leaders decided out of nothing more than raw political fear to allow the excesses of the school board to continue," he said. "It's a sad day for the rest of the work force and taxpayers."


  1. "Gino Renne, president of the Montgomery Municipal and County Government Employees Organization, said the schools are bloated.

    "County leaders decided out of nothing more than raw political fear to allow the excesses of the school board to continue," he said. "It's a sad day for the rest of the work force and taxpayers."

    HA! It's about time! For so long, parents have been on their own pointing out the excesses and failures of the school system. I've certainly had my share of problems with MCPS as the parent of a special needs student!

    Wake up, fellow MoCo residents! Support for public education: YES! Coddling MCPS: NO MORE!

  2. Great. When your house is on fire and it takes an additional five minutes for the fire department to arrive because the engine company is furloughed you will remember this moment in history.

  3. I say everyone just home school their children and put MPCS out of business. That will save the county billions.

  4. Homeschooling is a great alternative, but it is not a feasible one for many families. I've homeschooled my 11th grader since kindergarten with great success, but his sister was an MCPS student until she was 21. A traditional school was a better option for her.

    The public school system fulfills a very important role. However, it does not mean that public school officials must be given everything they ask for.

    Sadly, I often think that John Grisham could write quite a novel, using material from this blog.


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