
Monday, June 28, 2010

Leggett approves $200,000 for Consultants for Pearson project

County Executive Ike Leggett has approved the expenditure of a secret stash of MCPS cash in the amount of $200,000 to be moved from the MCPS Entrepreneurial Activities Fund to pay for Consultants for the Pearson Education, Inc. online curriculum.

Montgomery County Council staff has advised the full Council (you know - Floreen (President), Ervin (Vice-President), Andrews, Berliner, Elrich, Knapp, Leventhal, Navarro and Trachtenberg - all up for election this year - except Knapp who is not running) to also APPROVE the shifting of this $200,000 to pay for Consultants. 

Teachers? Who needs 'em? 

Here's enough cash to pay for 2 or 3.  But the County Executive and County Council say no. Money will go for consultants. 

Sorry students. 


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