
Monday, June 28, 2010

Open Letter from MCPS Parent to Superintendent Weast

850 Hungerford Dr
Rockville, MD 20850
Office of Superintendent – MCPS

Subject: Your Vision

Dear Dr Weast,

I am a military parent of a disabled child who has been in the MCPS system for three years now. My daughter just completed her first year at a stand-alone special education facility. The resources and support available at this school are a great fit for many children. However, the buzz in the county’s special education community is that you have plans to eliminate this and the few remaining special education schools in Montgomery County.

My first thought was; what is his vision and overall strategy for Montgomery County Special Education?

As I attempted to learn more about your vision and your Strategic Plan for MCPS /Special Education, I became more and more confused. I researched the MCPS website and read all available write-ups and memos. I attended SEAC meetings and I even read numerous county discussion boards and blogs regarding your administration and past/recent efforts for narrowing the achievement gap. The results? I found very little on vision (unclear discussions on Inclusion without a detailed approach) but a lot on tactics (closure of schools, CSLC committees and co-location assessments, etc.)

I understand and support your desire to implement IDEA which requires that disabled children be educated with children who are not disabled “to the maximum extent appropriate” but what about those children who completely fall outside of the LRE bell curve? IDEA certainly does not call for the elimination of stand-alone schooling for disabled children, but your actions since 1999 seem contrary to the letter behind the law/federal regulation regarding the same. Your overall vision of FAPE for the disabled child is very unclear in the eyes of the special needs community that you serve.

I need reassurance that you are truly committed to all children, including those with disabilities. I need to know that your efforts in planning and implementing executable strategies for the success of all MC students extend to those students with special needs. I need to know that your level of knowledge on the intricacies of special education is just as substantial as your resume posted on the MCPS website. I need to know your vision, plan and strategy for ensuring the overall success of our special needs students.

I am asking that you stand by your statement to “serve the students and citizens of Montgomery County” by providing an opportunity to share your vision and strategy for our children in order to address/eliminate the confusion and discontent plagued by some (many?) members of the special needs community.

I appreciate a personal response and decision to call a public meeting to share your vision for special education.


Shameen Anthanio-Williams

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