
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Examiner: MCPS Admits Misleading Board & Public

DC Examiner: Special-needs programs get boost in Montgomery

Click on the DC Examiner link above to launch the online edition of the newspaper. The story shown in the image to the left is on page 6.

MCPS' public relations office was responding in this News in Brief item to the Parents' Coalition blog post titled $90,000 to Marriott Foundation?

MCPS' public relations office now says the Board of Education memorandum was "misleading". That memorandum was prepared for the Consent Agenda for today's Board of Education meeting. If the meaning of the line item isn't clear, how do Board members know what the funding will be used for? The Consent Agenda is a "no discussion" vote. There is no restriction on the funding noted, the Board is simply approving a straight check to a private foundation.

While the MCPS public relations office admits that the memorandum to the Board was misleading, they neglect to explain why no other vendors were considered for this expenditure. This is not the only vendor in Montgomery County that provides transitions services for high school students. Why were all the other vendors cut out of this funding opportunity?

How many other "misleading" items are there in the Consent Agenda memorandum? Will the Board of Education simply raise their hands and give unanimous consent to these expenditures, or will they start doing their job and exerting oversight over the spending of MCPS Operating Budget funds?


  1. Still unclear or misleading.

    Learning for Independence (LFI) is the name of an MCPS Special Education program run by MCPS. My understanding was that it was staffed by MCPS employees.

    Marriott has long provided job opportunities for Students and Adults with disabilities. In fact a long time leader in our community for its efforts.

    But I was not aware that we were paying Marriott, or rather, one of its foundations for these jobs. I think we need to better understand who is running what program and who is paying for what?

    Bob Astrove

  2. The effort to train students with disabilities and place them into jobs is a GOOD thing. HOWEVER, this payment to the Mariott Foundation for people with disabilities raises a few questions:
    1. MCPS has "Transition teachers." It was my understanding that their function was to do job development, and assist in placing special education students into appropriate jobsites. Do we not have enough transition teachers? Are we essentially contracting out an MCPS function?
    2. What are the criteria for participation in the Marriott program?
    3. How did MCPS contract with the Marriott program over several others? Namely: there are many many nonprofit agencies in the area with expertise to do job development, job coaching, and placement of students with disabilities. Were they offered a chance to "bid" on a certain number of students?
    4. There is apparently a "memorandum of understanding" between MCPS and Marriott. Let's get it up on the internet so that folks interested in the topic of employment of people with disabilities can see what the Marriott model is.
    5. My understanding (and I would certainly appreciate clarification) is that the kids placed in the Marriott jobs lose them upon graduation or aging out (*i.e., they become no longer "eligible" for this specific program.) Do we have DATA from Marriott or MCPS on how many of the students that have been served by this program go on to either (1) keep the job they had through the program, or (2) obtain competitive employment elsewhere, or (3) obtain supported employment at a pay rate comparable to what they were being paid.
    6. Does any of this money that we are paying Marriott go to the salaries of the employed kids? What are we getting for our $30K a month? Is that the correct cost?

    Looking forward to getting specific answers to these questions. Guess I will have to send them directly to...who? MCPS's public relations person? (seen reading this blog at the BOE today!)
    Lyda Astrove
    Candidate, Board of Education
    Lyda Astrove for BOE
    Gerald Heupel, Treasurer


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