
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Teacher: Mixed feeling about the new integrated curriculum

Gazette:  Amber Dinisio, who was selected as the 2009-2010 Marian Greenblatt Fund Montgomery County Rookie Teacher of the Year, was interviewed March 23, 2010, at Arcola Elementary School in Wheaton where she teaches kindergarten.
What do you think about the kindergarten curriculum? Do you think it's too academic?
I have mixed feelings about the new integrated curriculum. I like it because it is integrated but I just think there's so much piled into it and it's so heavy in content that it's hard to weed out what you are going to use. There's just not enough time mixing social studies and science into your daily plans along with the writing every day. So it's hard trying to fit everything in.

Note: This teacher is referring to the new integrated kindergarten curriculum that has been purchased by Pearson Education, Inc. Read more about the MCPS - Pearson deal here.

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