
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gazette Letter: Schools have long had problem in helping disabled

...When the school system accepts funding from state and federal governments, then it should have the common decency to comply with the law. Otherwise, be honest, decline the money, and continue to deny, legally, the services disabled children need for their educational advancement.
Although the Board of Education voted unanimously in our favor, others are not so fortunate to be represented by the attorney who wrote the state bylaws for special education. Hence, administrators beat down parents with repeated hearings, obfuscation, delay, and so forth. At least if they wore costumes of brown rats, parents would realize right away who they are up against.
Which leads to the question of what's going on with both the school board and County Council that permit administrators to continue their policies and dishonest behaviors. Will downcounty voters, for once, comprehend reality and vote appropriately on this and other issues in the fall?
Fred B. Ruckdeschel, Bethesda
Gazette letter to editor at this link.

1 comment:

  1. Montogomery county schools are sick they have the disability not the children


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