
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"waiving several procedural policies"

Gazette Letter: Montgomery needs flexibility on charter schools

...MCPS was also willing to work with Pearson in waiving several procedural policies to ensure that the agreement was sealed quickly and easily. Charter school applicants, on the other hand, are constantly stymied by an on-again, off-again adherence to policy. In numerous cases, policies meant to aid applicants are ignored, while artificial deadlines are arbitrarily adhered to, and sometimes shifted in ways that present enormous difficulties. Aren't the citizens of Montgomery County, with no motive other than the excellent education of our children, entitled to the same flexibility as Pearson? 
We have heard many times over the past few weeks that neither the board nor MCPS are anti-charter school. The only evidence we've seen of the system's lack of bias consists of anecdotes from years long past bearing little if any relevance to our situation. I would simply ask that charter school applicants be treated with the same courage and flexibility as was shown Pearson.
Jonathan Krebs, Silver Spring

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