
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Artificial Turf: How hot is it?

Summer practice is starting up.  Just how hot are the artificial turf fields?  Remember, these fields are heat islands, trapping heat, ALL the time.  Not just when children are playing on the fields.  Artificial field heat islands can be seen from space, as we wrote about in this space months ago.  Next time you pay your electric bills, remember, this is what you are paying for.  And, don't forget the added tax on energy the Montgomery County Council tacked on to your bill.  Those added tax dollars are always needed at MCPS, which eats up 57% of our tax dollars.  Check this short video, from WBAL TV and WLWT TV comparing natural turf fields and artificial turf fields at schools -- 92 degrees F on natural turf; 130 degrees F on artificial turf.  "Anything above 104, you have to terminate your practice."  That would be for safety reasons, however, its unclear if MoCo follows those safety practices.

1 comment:

  1. Montgomery County schools and parks are not taking common-sense precautions as is the district in the video for high heat on artificial turf as far as we know. Football practice is starting. Montgomery Schools and Parks should at least have guidelines for artificial turf that take into account their admittedly much higher surface temperatures. And monitor those temperatures. See the video.
    Why are we torturing our kids and other athletes for the sake of pretending dark green plastic turf is real grass? It does not have to be dark plastic and black rubber. Light colors are better when you are dealing with artificial surfaces. Plastic can be any color and you don't have to use crumb rubber (cork and coconut husks is one alternative being used elsewhere). Or you can spend less on well constructed grass fields that actually cool the air.


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