
Friday, August 13, 2010

Developer includes 4-5 Graduations in Plan for 6,500 Seat Arena at RedGate Golf Course

  • Is the MCPS Superintendent included in the "educational groups" referenced in the executive summary for this proposal?
  • There are 25 high schools in Montgomery County. 21 currently use DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.  Why is the plan  only projecting 4-5 high school graduations a year at the _______(Name to be sold) Arena?

From the June 7, 2010 Rockville City Mayor and Council meeting: 

D&A Sports and Entertainment, LLC is proposing to construct on RedGate land a 6,500 seat arena, with surface parking to accommodate 2,500 cars.

According to their executive summary of their proposal:

"Two feasibility studies and two pro formas substantiate the unmet need for a 6,500 seat arena in the County on approximately 3-5 acres. Surface parking to accommodate 2,500 cars is required. There is an unmet need for entertainment, graduation sites, recreation including a hockey rink, and a civic center to host family events and have classroom capabilities. The civic center, if at Redgate, will be LEEDS certified and blend into the natural setting as per design planning by engineers at Skanska. The project will upgrade the roads in and out and allow for an enhanced 9 hole golf course and an improved clubhouse. The citizens will enjoy first rate entertainment at a local venue and have a local forum for graduations. The project will create 767 jobs and provide 1.3M in funding to the taxing authorities based upon 165 event dates and projected ticket sales, naming rights, box seats, advertising, etc. D&A proposes a lease of the land from the City and the City would own the civic center after thirty years. The business community strongly supports this project as does multiple recreational and educational groups."


  1. 'surface parking for 2500 cars?' and this meets LEED how? Taxpayers will be paying for this boondoggle for years to come. Do we really need another 'venue' in MoCo?

  2. A Hockey complex with 3 "sheets" of ice is only about a mile away from Redgate.

    Does the City of Rockville need a 6500 seat arena or does Montgomery County need a 6500 seat arena?

    How many fans is the semi-pro soccer team drawing at Richard Montgomery? How many were projected.

    I seem to recall the discussion of having the Soccer team would make downtown Rockville "A Destination" I don't think those assumptions panned out, tell me why these will?

    Bob Astrove


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