
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jerry Weast's Legacy - Denying children their constitutionally guaranteed free public education

An interesting Commentary in a La Jolla, California newspaper. When will the ACLU speak on behalf of Montgomery County, Maryland students?
When will ANY elected leaders or officials speak up for Montgomery County children's right to a free public education?

Opinon from | EDUCATION MATTERS: ACLU weighs in on illegal fees in public education
...Public education cannot solve the chronic problems of poverty and discrimination in society. But it is the one hope, perhaps our last hope, to level the playing field for those kids who have never received the kinds of advantages the middle and upper classes in our country often take for granted...

...In addition, requiring students or parents to self-identify as poor or to force families to expose financial hardship is also illegal.

Even though the issue of illegal fees has received intense media attention this past year, the practice continues in many school districts in the county. And now, as a result of ignoring the law, school districts find themselves scrutinized by the American Civil Liberties Union which has been subjected to hateful criticism, just as Sally Smith has, for defending the constitutional rights of those who can't afford to pay up.

A free public education must allow every student - rich or poor, no matter their color or background - equal access to opportunity and a fair chance at success through hard work and determination. It's a fundamental principle of our democracy, and the scurrilous attacks against those individuals and organizations that attempt to protect that right are shameful.

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