
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Montgomery parents want schools' focus to go beyond tests | Washington Examiner

Montgomery parents want schools' focus to go beyond tests | Washington Examiner
...Louis Wilen, a leader of the Parents' Coalition who is running for the school board, prioritized a superintendent with a local focus. "I'm not looking for a superintendent who's a miracle worker -- what I do want is someone who's focused on supporting our school system, and not trying to be a national role model."

Gifted & Talented Association President Fred Stichnoth, who has a child at Springbrook High School in Silver Spring, wants the next superintendent to measure achievement based on the top students, rather than midlevel averages such as SAT scores of 1,650 (out of 2,400).

"I don't think it's a triumph to close the gap at 1,650. It will be a huge triumph when the top African-American students are scoring the same as the top white students"...

...County Councilman Phil Andrews, member of the education committee and the only council member for Weast's entire 11-year tenure, has an elementary-age son who has been in the system's special classrooms for students with Asperger's syndrome. But Andrews has decided to home-school him this year "because the school system can't meet his needs."

"There's been an almost exclusive focus on college preparation and readiness, and on college-bound students, but not on the many students who are not served by that approach," Andrews said...

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Wilen hit the nail on the head. We do not want a superintendent who is so far from our children that he actually said, while he was in Ireland, that he was an employee of the Irish school system. Mr. Wilen would be the best choice in this race for Board of Election. The Primary is September 14, that is a chance for the parents and citizens of our conty to vote for someone who is focused on OUR children and OUR welfare.


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