
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gazette: SAT participation among Mont Co 2010 minority graduates drops

Gazette: Gap persists between whites, minorities on test's benchmark for college readiness
School News | Andrew Ujifusa
...Meanwhile, a significant racial achievement gap exists in meeting the school system's SAT benchmark for college readiness. Only 17.8 percent of blacks and 22.6 percent of Hispanics in the 2010 class achieved a 1650 or higher, indicating they are ready for college with no remedial courses, the school system said. Among Asians, 64.1 percent achieved that score, and 64.7 percent of whites reached it.
The percentages of black and Hispanic students who met the 1650 benchmark were up from 2009 by 2.2 and 3.3 percent, respectively. But the percentage of Hispanics who met that score has declined by 1.8 percent since 2006, and the percentages for blacks in 2006 and 2009 are identical...

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