
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Video: Council & Board at Lunch!

The following topics were covered by the Montgomery County Council and the Board of Education at their catered lunch on Tuesday, September 21, 2010. (Please turn up the volume so that you can hear over the shuffling of papers and consumption of food. This video was made by a member of the public attending this meeting. The Council and Board do not record this event and do not produce transcripts of this meeting.)

1. Opening of Schools at minute 1:00
2. Edison High School Plans 7:50
3. Fiscal Plan for County 30:30
4. State Pension Plans
5. Superintendent Search 1:02:06
6. Race to the Top (MCPS giving up $12 million in funding)  1:03:34

Please let the video load. There seems to be a little hesitation in the first few minutes, but then the video plays correctly. 

Montgomery County Council - Board of Education Lunch September 21, 2010 from WSB on Vimeo.


  1. What a joke. Weast: "this is just a grant that helps us think about" what to do with Edison. Really? Does the federal gov. give $3 million for that? This isn't a feasibility grant. Also notice how he disparages the kids in the program--they're all minority, they're all poor, their parents are all working three jobs, and they have no transportation. At least Docca set him straight about the buses. Good questions by Elrich, Ervin and Barclay. At least some see how sneaky this is.

  2. I am so extremely frustrated that this man gets away with lies, half-truths, pandering, and game play and no one calls him on the carpet!
    It reminds me of Congress - discussing things no one has actually read - if all around this table read the grant proposal, they would know he is lying. I have read the entire grant regarding Edison, Wheaton, WM, etc. and it does NOT say what he just said it's focus is.... This man has done NOTHING to promote Edison and has NO interest in anything "vocational" - in fact, this may be the first time I have ever heard him say the word. The grant is about an ill-devised plan to "save" Wheaton HS. Edison is a great school with great programs that has served MCPS HS students well for 27 years! Ms. O'Neill - the 27 year average enrollment is 650 -- last year's enrollment was 647 -- so how does that equate to "underenrolled" ? However, we would like to increase our enrollment -- the question that is never asked is: WHY is our enrollment declining? There are many truthful answers to this question but not ONE of them is about the quality or relevance of the programs.
    Thank you Elrich and Docca for speaking up for Edison!


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