
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Happy trails, Jerry. Don't send us a postcard."

Gazette Letter: Good riddance, Mr. Weast
I know that there will be banquets extolling schools Superintendent Jerry Weast's accomplishments with plaudits from a regiment of social engineers, teacher union brass, and other sycophants all smiling and back-slapping in congratulations. However, when the front door finally hits Weast in the posterior on his way out, there will be a general sigh of relief that he has departed....
...I have been a parent in the MCPS system since 1978 and a substitute teacher for going on 11 years. Our superintendent had only two years teaching experience. It does not take long, standing before a class, to realize that our teachers' and school administrators' hands are tied by wild-eyed no-goodniks roaming the halls from the legions of bureaucrats in the county administration. We have burdened our teachers with so much wasteful work that they are simply paper shufflers and no longer educators.
Our students suffer, our parents suffer, and our remarkably fine teachers suffer all so that Jerry can "have the joy of getting up every day and coming to work." Happy trails, Jerry. Don't send us a postcard.
Wilson Faris, Gaithersburg

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