
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Patch: School Officials, Parents Concerned for Pedestrian Safety at Kingsview MS

Some parents and school officials of Kingsview Middle School said the lack of crosswalks and possible elimination of bus routes is feeding their concern for pedestrian safety.
Calvin Johnson fears for his 11-year-old son every day just walking to school.
To reach Kingsview Middle School, the boy has to cross at Father Hurley Boulevard and Dawson Farm Road, the intersection of two busy streets.
"I know the budget is tight but I think the county needs to prioritize protecting kids," Johnson said...

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Johnson is right, 'the county' does need to protect kids. It needs to protect all pedestrians. I walk to the metro every work day and I know how dangerous it is to cross the streets in this county. I am almost hit at least once a week, including a few weeks ago when an MCPS bus driver played 'chicken' with me as I was crossing the street. Mr. Johnson, the reason the streets are dangerous for your child is because that is the county policy. The policy is to make sure the cars can move smoothly down the road. There is no 'the county.' There is only you, and your elected officials. If you want to change the policy, speak to Mr. Leggett, who as county executive is the de facto supervisor of the county Department of Transportation (DOT). He directs DOT. The DOT employees just carry out the county policy. That is their job. You just re-elected Mr. Leggett by a wide margin of votes, which suggests to me that you like the policy the way it is. However, if you want it to change, talk to him. He is the only one that can change the policy.

    Paula Bienenfeld


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