
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PTA, Promethean and Pepsi

PTA Watch: They still don’t get it: PTA, Promethean and Pepsi

I really don’t know who exactly makes these decisions, but I really wish Nationalm [PTA] would spend more time working on things that actually work for us local units and less time on partnerships that are so clearly useless to us and on bombarding us with Pepsi messages that aren’t working.
I just heard about this new program with Promethean that National is touting, and it’s hard to believe.  Have you read this at all: ?  I sure hope the check to National [PTA] was big, because this does nothing for local units.  The small print makes it even more clear.  This is basically National telling locals to jump through all kinds of hoops and fundraise more (something Natonal is always telling us not to do) all in order to get a discount on one very specific set of products.  How does that make sense?
As far as Pepsi goes, enough already. Please. I get the PTA emails and the PTA facebook postings and I’ve seen the huge spot on the PTA homepage.  In the last two months, I’ve received almost nothing except messages asking me to go click on a Pepsi thing to help National.  The worst part is that the “largest nonprofit focused on children” has spent all this time and energy promoting this contest and is still only in 119th place.  Last month, PTA wound up in about 80th place.  Only the top two get funded.
When Chuck was elected and Byron was hired, all we heard about was this new focus on serving local units, but all we’ve really seen is partnership after partnership that brings in dollars to National, do almost nothing for local units and then go away. Does anyone remember the movie night fundraiser with HP?
All PTA Watch wants is a National office that serves local units rather than a National office that serves the National office...

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