
Monday, February 28, 2011

Wayne Goldstein's advocacy to preserve the trees next to McKenney Hills Elementary School site


What would Wayne do? 

What would community activist Wayne Goldstein do if he thought that the forest that he advocated to preserve might be in jeopardy?  

Will the Board of Education plans for tripling the size of the school on the McKenney Hills site adversely impact the Legacy Open Space forest that Mr. Goldstein sought to preserve for future generations? 

What would Mr. Goldstein say today if he knew that less than 4 years after this forest was designated as a protected area that Board of Education plans could cause the destruction of 90 to 120 trees on the slopes that lead to the forest he worked to preserve, eroding the soil and placing the protected forest in serious jeopardy? 

Mr. Goldstein was a tireless advocate on land use issues including the preservation of green spaces in the county. One of the properties that Mr. Goldstein worked to preserve is the forest that runs along part of the McKenney Hills Elementary School site in Silver Spring. 

On December 20, 2007, the Montgomery County Planning Board approved the plan to purchase 7.15 acres of forest on the border of the McKenney Hills Elementary School site through the county's Legacy Open Space program. The cost to the County of this land was $1,285,000.  Mr. Goldstein was at the Planning Board hearing to make sure the purchase was approved. 

Here is the audio of the Planning Board voting to approve this purchase and the statement of the late Wayne Goldstein.  Click play:


  1. would love to get your take on this article.

  2. Well, since it says good things about MCPS, Janis will obviously ignore the above-mentioned article.

  3. Would love to get Anon 5:05 pm take on this article:


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