
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Foose moves to Balt. Co and $214,000 salary

The Baltimore Sun is reporting that the salary for Baltimore County Public Schools' new deputy superintendent Renee Foose is $214,000. Foose left her position as associate superintendent of the Office of Shared Accountability in MCPS where her salary was $162,623, to move to the Baltimore County position. 

..."In these days of fiscal constraints, there are ways to be creative and spend dollars wisely," Boser said. In general, he said, when school systems make cuts in education, "we tend not to do it in particularly thoughtful ways."
Baltimore County principals have been ordered to cut 196 teaching positions by telling select teachers that they will be "excessed." ...
...The school system released Foose's salary Wednesday night, a month after The Baltimore Sun first requested it. Salaries for government employees in Maryland are public information under state law, and school officials in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County and other area municipalities typically disclose them immediately over the phone. When asked for Foose's salary the week of Feb. 28, a spokeswoman for the Baltimore County school system said the agency has implemented a policy requiring formal, written requests under the Maryland Public Information Act before salary information is released...

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