
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Montgomery Co. Citizens' Refrain: "I just learned..."

From: Shanta Karunaratne
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 4:14 am
Subject: Reference: Brickyard School site at 8615 Brickyard Road

Dear Sir\Madam,
I am a resident of Brickyard road, Potomac for many years and live[on]Brickyard Road in Fawcett Farms.  I just learned that there is going to be a public hearing next week with regards to the Brickyard School site at 8615 Brickyard Road to develop the property into some sports complex, perhaps to be leased to a private athletic organization.  We love living here peacefully and not interested in seeing any more traffic on our road than there is right now.  As it is there is a lot of cut-across traffic coming through Brickyard Road where people are using it as an alternate route to avoid Route 270\Beltway especially during the rush hours.  The only suitable use for this land would be for a park for the community.
I would like to strongly voice my opinion against developing this property that would increase traffic, noise and additional lighting, etc.  As a Montgomery county resident and tax payer, I hope you will take my opinion into consideration.
Shanta Karunaratne  

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