
Saturday, March 5, 2011

County Govt Says Hand Over the Land First, We'll Talk Later

The Parents' Coalition greatly appreciates Montgomery County Government sending us the following statement with regard to the Board of Education's March 8, 2011, Agenda Item to lease 20 acres of school land. 
However, what the public really needs right now is for the Lease in question to be made public for review prior to the Board vote, and for the New Business  provision of the Board Operations Policy to be honored by the Board of Education. 
The Lease is between two public bodies. 
We are the public. 
Show us the Lease. 
I'd appreciate your posting this on your blog. Thanks.
Patrick Lacefield
Public Information Director [Montgomery County Government]

First, the Board of Education is considering a lease between the Board of Education and the County.  They are not considering any lease with any private entity.  If there is such a lease, it will be between the County and the private entity after a Request for Proposals has been issued and responded to.  The opportunity for public input on that RFP will occur prior to the County issuing the RFP. The RFP will not permit artifical turf.  Second, the RFP will not permit lighted ball fields.  The intent of anything that is developed on that property is to provide it for recreational use to the community in a way that keeps the land as undeveloped as possible.  It will be clear that the property can be reclaimed by the Board for school use.  Additionally, if a public private partnership is entered into, the property  would have to go through the site plan review process.  Again, an opportunity for outside input and discussion.As you referenced, during the discussion of the Potomac Master Plan the use of this site was subject to much discussion.  In the words of the adopted Master Plan, if it is not used for a school, its use for ball fields or other recreational purposes was clearly contemplated and encouraged.  (See the attached excerpt from the Master Plan).  Therefore, the Executive’s hope to enter into a public private partnership to accomplish this goal seems very reasonable.Furthermore, Park and Planning’s 2005 PROS plan references the need for more multipurpose rectangular fields, especially in theDown County.  Specifically, it calls for the need for an additional 73 rectangular fields.  This is on pages 4-6 of the Executive Summary. Park and Planning has been aware. General Services director David Dise held at least one meeting with Rose Krasnow and staff to run this possible use past them.  They did not raise any concerns that were “show stoppers”. 
Given the tremendous need for ball fields throughout the County and particularly in the downcounty, this site is one of the few where this makes sense.  We will gladly take input as we finalize the RFP and look forward to working with the community.


  1. There seems to be a major oversight of public participation in determining whether the BoE should even lease the property to a new entity. For all the blather about "equity and fairness" that comes out of BoE mouths, this stinks of blatant unfairness and inequity. When did the Board of Ed take public comment on deciding to ditch the current lessee who runs an organic farm WITH ONLY 3 WEEKS NOTICE? Did they instead illegally have closed session discussions about it? How does the BoE have the audacity to kick someone out who has had a continuous year to year lease for 31 years! What if the neighborhood wants to keep the farm rather than put in ballfields? The county executive doesn’t get to have his say until the public decides whether the possibility of a lease to another entity should go forward. This so called public body - the Board of Education - has once again abused the public trust.
    -Agnes Jones-Trower

  2. Question for Mr. Lacefield and (Mr. Leggett)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts - but what about the public process? The neighbors and the citizens of MoCo didn't find out about this until notified by the current lessee, and he didn't know about it until his lease was cancelled.

  3. Reclaimed for school use? That's what the County Council said about the Berman Academy lease, and when the lease was up, the Conty Council said they were obligated to turn the property over.

  4. Peary II: The Sequel

  5. It seems irrational if various studies suggest that there isn't a need for a elementary or middle school on the site, therefore there is much demand for a recreational center or ball park in the community. Are you going to bus kids and young adults to the site from other MoCo areas? Besides, there is a nearby "ball park" on Oaklyn Drive that serves the community.

  6. Mr. Lacefield,
    Thanks for asking PCMC to post your letter. You reference a meeting between and Rose Krasnow, Director of Development Review at M-NCPPC MoCo Planning Department. Can you please send us the notes from that meeting or meetings (your phrase was 'at least one meeting') so we can know what went on at those meetings that were held between those public employees.

    And, regarding artificial turf, the county Parks Dep't., Planning Dept., MCPS, and the County Council have no problem with the artificial turf in other parts of the county. So why not in Potomac?
    Thanks, I look forward to your response.
    Paula Bienenfeld

  7. *between Mr. Dise and Ms. Krasnow
    Paula Bienenfeld

  8. This plan will bring pollution and traffic congestion to a very quiet neighborhood of Potomac. County executives should concentrate on PEPCO problems rather than whining of Bethesda families for lack of county soccer fields in their neighborhood. read the following article to learn about the real issues:

    Mr. Leggett should know that those who voted him in, can would him out.

  9. Apple Ballot will just endorse him again and voters will vote for him. This is what the teachers want.


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