
Saturday, March 5, 2011

National History Day: Congratulations to the Participants, Teachers, and Parents

This morning was the Annual Montgomery County National History Day Event sponsored by and organized by our very own Montgomery County Historical Society.  Thanks so much to members of the Historical Society staff and all the volunteers that work so hard to make this happen each year, especially Elizabeth Otey the Historical Society's Director of Education, the coordinator of this event.  To join and support our Historical Society, go hereJoin now!

The Parents Coalition of Montgomery County is a proud supporter of this annual event, awarding a prize for a topic on Education.  This year the Parents Coalition prize went to Malik Aldred, of Eastern Middle School, for his research and documentary on, The Debate over Integration in Little Rock, Arkansas.  His teacher is Laurie Hawe.  Thanks so much to Ms. Hawe and thanks to the parents of Malik for encouraging the study of history and recognizing its importance.  Well done!

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