
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is the Board Interviewing the Superintendent Semi-finalists Today?

In discussions with staff at Hazard, Young, Attea (HYA), the search consultants hired by the MCPS Board of Education, it is likely that the Board is interviewing the new superintendent candidate semi-finalists today.  Who are the semi-finalists? No clue.  Will we know who the finalists are? Only the select, chosen by the Board of Education, will know.  They have been instructed to sign a confidentiality agreement; take no notes at the secret interviews to be held next week; and not reveal interview location or names of the finalists.

At this point it appears that the public will find out we have a new superintendent when white smoke rises from the chimney at Carver.


  1. Are you saying they are violating the Maryland Open Meetings Act?

  2. Gee whiz, I hope not, but if they did, does it matter? Let's see, they decided on the procedure for the search offline; they had discussions in which they decided which people to invite to the secret forums which were never made public and are not on their BOE website offline; they had a discussion to secretly invite 14 people to interview the finalists and sent them letters and confidentiality agreements offline; they discussed which candidates made the semi-finalists interview list offline. So, am I saying they are violating the Open Meetings Act? These acts and laws do not apply to the Board of Education, which runs MCPS, a 'quasi-state' agency. So, the members of the BOE may have violated some antiquated law, but it doesn't matter if they did. As the Bowery Boys used to say, 'Whatta gonna do about it?'



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