
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Answer: 10,000 Students & Ike Leggett

Those are the answers to the following questions:

1.  About how many public school students are still being educated in classroom trailers outside of their school buildings? 10,000 +*

2.  Who is the County official that is now working on moving 20 acres of public school land away from the inventory of the public school system?  
County Executive Ike Leggett

What is unknown is why?  Pictured is a classroom trailer at Bethesda Elementary School.

If this 20 acres of public school land is taken away from the public school system that will make 39.5 acres of public school land that the County Executive has moved away from the uses of public school children in just the last 6 months.  

Both times the deals were kept quiet by the County Executive's office until the very last minute. No time for countywide PTAs to react. In the case of the land sale in December the Board of Education did object.  But that objection was ignored by the County Executive's office.    

Here's the list of schools where classroom trailers are being utilized this school year.  Source is the MCPS Capital Budget. 

*This estimate doesn't include the students that are in classroom trailers at holding schools or during construction projects.  That would be about another 3,000 students +/-.


1 comment:

  1. My school is on that list as having 11 portable classrooms. We just moved those classes into the new addition which was completed in Dec. We are currently waiting for the relocatables to be hauled away. I wonder if there are any other schools on that list in the same situation.


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