
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Libraries Matter. No More Cuts.

The County Council is hearing public testimony this week on the FY12 Budget.  Please make sure to write or email or call to tell the council, Libraries Matter. No More Cuts.

Email the Council here.  Or call, at 240-777-7900.

Here are some talking points:

For all of us, LIBRARIES MATTER.

The library department has taken a greater percentage hit in the budget (30%) and has had its critical functions more devastated than any other agency.

The Library budget was $40.4 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 08, only 0.97% of the county's budget.

The Library budget was $28.9 million in FY 11, a mere 0.6% of the county's budget.

There were 498 library employees in FY 08.

There are 350 library employees in FY 11.

The number of service hours the library provides has been cut 15%.

The materials budget was once 20% of the library budget. That has been cut in half.

In FY 08, the materials budget was $6,325,150 and served 20 full-service branches, plus the Noyes Library for Young Children, the Correctional Center Library and the Mobile Services Van.

In FY 11, the materials budget is $3,000,000 and serves 18 full-service branches while Olney and Gaithersburg are closed for renovation.

If you continue to cut the budget more, the library system the county built up over decades will be destroyed.

• Branches will close.

• Residents will lose places for community gatherings.
• Materials will not be available.
• Online resources will disappear.
• Library staff will not be on hand to answer reference questions.
• Service to county residents will suffer even more.
• The Libraries will gradually lose their value.


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