
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Board of education should be condemned

Gazette Letter 

...Responding to The Gazette’s questions [“State group: Montgomery school system did not follow open meetings act,” Sept. 21] regarding the recent Open Meeting Act Compliance Board’s unfavorable ruling, spokeswoman Lesli Maxwell states: “The school system expected the compliance board to make this ruling ... and the ruling will have no effect on the school systems feasibility study...”
So, the school system and the board acknowledge violations of the act. But say, “Big deal!”... 


  1. They never even acknowledged they relied on false information to make their ruling on the FMS Modernization.

    It should be easy to run a successful feasibility study when the actual truth and legal procedure are irrelevant and you can make up your budget numbers as you go.

    When is the BOE going to be held accountable for their actions? I guess the answer is after their self serving goals have been fulfilled, the public input circumvented and the taxpayers fleeced of their cash..

  2. BOE = Master manipulaters and liars. Absolutely pathetic!

  3. They don't think we'll remember come next election. I believe that they're betting on it (as they continue to be elected in) ~ NOT THIS TIME.

    I'm here now, and will not forget their hand in the transfer of Brickyard School Site (Circumvention of Process/Master Plan AND Open Violations Acts w/regards to meetings and site selections).

    I WILL NOT forget, who's with me!?

  4. BOE = The Teacher's Choice as shown on the Apple Ballot handed out at polls and mailed to homes.

  5. As Maria Giroux said, this is up to the voters. One does wonder, though, what taxpayer dollars are doing funding an 'Open Meetings Act Compliance Board' when there is no purpose to their work. How much does this board cost to the taxpayers? Why does the state of Maryland even have this board?

    Paula Bienenfeld


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