
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Board pays $47,937 in dues, attends beach conference

Where is the Board of Education this week? Ocean City! 

And why not, beautiful weather, no budget issues here! Classrooms have everything needed for the education of our children! 

The Board of Education already paid $47,937 this year to be a member of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE). That's up from the $47,017 they paid the same organization last year. 

This week is the MABE conference in Ocean City, Maryland. Not only is the Board of Education apparently going, but so is the Superintendent.*

Cost per person to attend conference? $395 hotel, food and transportation. Add in the extra staff that will also attend, the Board never travels alone, to get the total cost of membership in this organization and the cost of this conference to taxpayers.

This money comes out of the MCPS Operating Budget. That's the same budget that pays teachers' salaries and buys textbooks and classroom supplies.  

Remember when the Board cut after school athletics? You didn't expect the Board to cut their club dues or travel did you? 

*Sorry, we don't have an exact head count of attendees. Look for a Fact Check press release out of the MCPS PR department to inform the public of the exact number of attendees and the total cost to taxpayers of this junket. 

1 comment:

  1. If this were the DC board of education would this make the news?


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