
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Planning Board: "...we will be taking appropriate corrective action."

Update, 3:25 p.m.: Planning Board Chairwoman Françoise Carrier addressed Director Rollin Stanley's remarks before a meeting Thursday, saying they in no way reflect the opinions of the board.
Carrier said in a prepared statement that the Planning Board encourages public participation in its process, and Stanley's comments fall out of line with the department's values.
"While we are grateful to Mr. Stanley for the work he has done on behalf of the agency and for this county to date, we did not sanction his interview with (Bethesda Magazine), nor do we condone the views he expressed," she said. "This board does not take lightly the potential implications of his words, and we will be taking appropriate corrective action."
Continues at PATCH:   Planning Chief's 'Sexist' Remarks Under Fire

1 comment:

  1. Chairwoman Carrier has said that Mr. Stanley's remarks 'in no way reflect the opinion of the board.' But in fact they do. Mr. Stanley's supervisors are the Planning Board. Mr. Stanley is a public employee paid by taxpayers and the Planning Board members who are appointed by our elected officials, namely the county council, are his direct supervisors. If these remarks don't reflect the board's opinion it suggests that the Planning Board members are not doing their job as supervisors of the Park and Planning departments. Given that Mr. Stanley felt comfortable enough to make these remarks for publication in a magazine, it suggests also that the remarks are only the tip of the iceberg. While I applaud Chairwoman Carrier's statement, The citizens of Montgomery County deserve a planning department that represents them and not in name only.


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