
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Whitman to host Concussion Panel April 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM

Last month I was compelled to send an email to the Whitman community regarding my growing concern about the number of students with concussions we have this year, and I included in my posting some signs of concussions. In response, a Whitman community member, Dr. Michael Singer, met with me to discuss my hopes regarding this subject. I indicated that I was hoping to have an informative evening event for parents, students, and coaches. Dr. Singer volunteered to put together a panel of experts, and he has done a remarkable job. I am writing to invite the Whitman, BCC, and Walter Johnson communities to attend a panel discussion on April 19th from 7:30p.m. to 9 p.m. The experts listed below will discuss their observations and will field questions from the audience. Please join us. 
Alan Goodwin,  
Principal, Whitman H.S.
Dr. Andrew Tucker, Baltimore Ravens (NFL) Head Team Physician 
Dr. Leslie Prichep, NYU School of Medicine's Brain Research Laboratories Director 
Dr. Dan Hanley, Johns Hopkins Professor of Neurology, Jeffrey and Harriet Legum Professor of Acute Neurological Medicine 
Dr. David Milzman, Georgetown University Professor of Emergency Medicine, Medical Director, Medstar DC Sports Concussion Center, Whitman parent 
Michael Singer, President and CEO of BrainScope Company, Whitman parent, and moderator for the panel discussion


  1. Panel will also include Dr. Gerard Gioia, Chief, Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology, Children's National Medical Center

  2. It seems only the private schools - oh, I mean top public schools - Whitman, BCC, and Walter Johnson communities are invited to attend. Can a mere taxpaying citizen from another part of the county still sit in on this event?

    1. Same for the Bnai Brith youth Organization Rock Concert at Wootton. Look at the list of school "partners"


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