
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"...Board's decision to provide 2 raises in one year may have an adverse impact on the classroom..."

Letter from County Executive Ike Leggett and Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner to Superintendent Joshua Starr and Board of Education President Shirley D. Brandman.



  1. Joshua Starr responded the the County Executives letter in The Washington Post Social Reader Article titled "The Wisdom of rewarding Montgomery County School Emplyees" I responded to his assertions in that Article with this response.
    "The same claims may be made for our Montgomery County Firefighter, Policemen, Transportation worker however when it comes time for sacrifice, Furloughs, lower raises it seems the Fire, Police, and County Employees seem to brunt the burden disproportionately from the School System. Time for fairness don't you think?"
    I would love to hear Mr. Starrs response to my statement, or does he feel that MCPS employees should be treated better than other County Employees? Montgomery County needs to stop treating School employees different from other County Employees. this practice only undermines employee moral.

  2. One word: Overtime. MC firefighters and police get that. Teachers don't.

    1. Lots of words: Librarians, Social Workers, County Nurses, etc... do they all get overtime? Lots of County employees that don't get overtime.

  3. I love the word anonymous, I suggest you consider how many months out of the year teachers and MCPS worker work then consider how many weeks, Firefighters, Police, and County Government workers work and then consider the parity or lack of between salaries between MCPS employees and other County workers. The Teachers Unions and Superintendant of schools have been able to manilulate contracts to their benefits for years. It is simply time to bring equity and fairness to Government employee contracts. And thank those that took the furloughs and lack of pay raises due to the failing economy.


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