
Monday, June 4, 2012

This was 2001, has MCPS changed since then?

An unusual lawsuit in Montgomery County Maryland  received much focus...  In this case, Paul Hassler, a teacher with a  high record of student failure and professional abuses, sued a parent and math tutor who alerted school officials. The full trial transcripts are posted here (Day One).(Day Two).    Included in the transcript is testimony by school administrators, John Nori and Steven Seleznow that they shredded all student testimony about the abuses.  
Also included in the transcript is the teacher's abrupt exit as ABC-TV's 20/20 began recording the trial...
...In a school district often touted as the nation's finest, records showed that 75% of Paul Hassler's Algebra II students received D's or E's on the county-wide final exam...
..."There is one person missing in this courtroom," the trial began. "One person who should be here to listen to this testimony. And that is Jerry Weast, the new Superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools."
As the facts came to light, the picture emerged of a school system bogged down by bureaucracy and protections for its staff, but without similar protections for children.

"If they can't do anything to remove an abusive and incompetent teacher, fine. Admit that. Just tell us," a parent said. "But to tell us 'we care' and 'we can' and 'we want to hear from you' and then leave a parent hanging out there alone to fight the nightmare of a million dollar lawsuit, for following the exact steps they ask us to follow...this is wrong."
Read the complete summary of this case at this link.  


  1. What made you resurrect this story 11 years after the fact? If this were really a "trend," wouldn't you see more evidence to illustrate your point that MCPS has NOT changed since 2001? Unethical practices occur in every organization, and sadly, some affect children. But to attempt to use ONE story to support a weak claim is absurd.

    1. Then we will give you the recent story since you aren't familiar with what is going on. We will post it to the blog. Stay tuned.

  2. your recent story about the principal at Kemp Mill?

    I'll give you that. So that makes TWO stories over 11 years. not actually great stats, J

    1. Nothings changed.

      Isn't one child's life important or doesn't one child count? You don't care unless it is 20 or 30 or 100 children? Or, you don't care as long as it is "someone else's" child?


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