
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oakland Terrace Elementary students campaign for healthy food

Gazette:  School to offer salad bar for next year


  1. Students ask for a salad bar, and immediately get one. This is great news! But it strikes me as very poignant, since elementary school students at nearby Piney Branch ES have been asking for a dishwasher for years now to replace styrofoam trays, and have been staunchly opposed at every level, for no apparent reason.

    1. Here's the back story. The President of this PTA is a long time Jerry Weast outside consultant from CT who apparently moved to this area, enrolled his children in this school, was made a permanent MCPS employee, and became the PTA President of this school. He is now moving over to be the new PTA President at the new McKinney Hills site elementary school.

  2. The new PTA prez of Flora Singer ES is NOT the same parent who had been Oakland Terrace's PTA prez in 2011-12.

    1. OK so he is staying at Oakland Terrace as PTA President? An MCPS administrator as a PTA President.

    2. Reminder -- Special Meeting on June 7th -
      Forming the Flora M. Singer Elementary School PTA

      Pizza will be served at 6:30. The meeting will start at 7 pm. Child care and Spanish Interpretation will be provided.

      At this meeting, the proposed bylaws will be adopted, parents will have the opportunity to join the PTA, and officers will be elected if enough parents join the PTA that evening. We strongly encourage you to attend this meeting. It will be in the media center.

      Also, it will be a historical meeting, because parents who join that evening will be charter members of the Singer PTA. Please bring $10 per parent to join the Singer PTA that evening. Please click here for more details about this meeting and to review the proposed bylaws.

      Following are the nominees for the PTA Executive Committee for School Year 2012-2013:
      John Landesman, President
      Tamara Overby, President-Elect
      Deb Davies, Treasurer
      Jackie Sharkey, Treasurer-Elect
      Doug Patience, Corresponding Secretary
      Lorraine Hunte, Recording Secretary

  3. No he is not the President anymore. We have a woman now. I don't know her name.

    1. Then provide the current PTA President and officers names. He was the PTA President for 2011-2012, the year of the salad bar, correct?


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