
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Starr: "I am writing to voice my support..."

The Parents' Coalition has obtained a copy of the letter that Superintendent Joshua Starr sent to Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner lobbying that a private property in Potomac be granted a county sewer connection.

When did the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent to take a position for MCPS on this planning issue?  Superintendent Starr's letter states that MCPS is already "working" with the private Glenstone Museum.
How? When? There is no evidence of any MCPS - Glenstone connection on the MCPS website.  There are no Board of Education minutes authorizing any partnership with this private museum by the Superintendent.

Is Superintendent Starr aware that Montgomery County sits right next to Washington, D.C., the home of the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art,'s a list of 50 free museums and memorials.

How many MCPS students go on field trips to the existing free local art museums?  
Has Superintendent Starr written letters in support of building projects at those free museums also?


  1. I am not sure what Mr. Star is supporting, First of all what is the Sewer and Water Category? If He is supporting a sewer and water category change well a lot goes into that decision, far more than any endorsement. Will Sewer and Water extensions be required? Will a change be a precedent for other properties to acquire Sewer and Water? What is the zoning R200. RE-2 what and will a change in Water and Sewer be the first domino of new subdivisions in this neighborhood. I hate to say this but this is how it happens; once Sewer and Water is made available it opens the door to a host of other zoning and Water and Sewer category change request. This is why the County Council takes changes in Water and Sewer changes very seriously.

    1. Neither is he, but the pâté de foie gras was excellent.


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