
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lets do lunch - and please have your boss sign a letter supporting my sewer

To be fair, its not clear whether Linda Adams had lunch with Emily Rales or whether she just got her own private tour of the mansion posing as an art museum.

But - what is clear from reading the emails provided in a request under the Maryland Public Information Act, is this:

1. Linda Adams, the MCPS Supervisor for Arts visited Glenstone with Elizabeth Stuart, another MCPS staff member (see March 16 2012 email)

2. She was so excited that she shared this information with Brian Edwards (on March 19 email from Adams)

3. The Glenston-MCPS collaboration is exciting, but

4. Could Josh Starr please help out and write a letter (March 19 email from Emily Rales)

Note that the collaboration at this time simply involves a visit between Linda Adams and Emily Rales. No student visits, no teacher visits, nothing but a promise.   Unless you count the September party Mitch Rales held to welcome Josh to the County.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if any MCPS parent could get a simple request before Dr. Starr by simply inviting him or someone from MCPS over for a cup of coffee?

Lesson to MCPS parents and staff.  Next time you have a request, invite Josh or one of his staffers to your home for a visit, and you can ask for anything.
2012 Glen Stone 4


  1. Thanks for posting these additional documents. To be clear, Montgomery County shares a border with the District of Columbia. The Smithsonian Institution is located within the District, and even has its own metro stop (public transit) on the grounds. I am counting at least 7 world-class museums, art, history, natural history, the Sackler, the American Indian museum, Air and Space, stop me here...they are all free. Does our new superintendent not know about these museums? If not, maybe his staff at MCPS could inform him. These museums all have docents who are happy to give tours; internships are available; behind-the-scenes programs are also available to our children, all through the generous donations of we, the taxpayers, and individual donors like Ken Behring, who donate for the public good of us all. No special political favors required.

  2. I don't know whether this whole process was legal or ethical or not.
    I do know, however, that it looks sleazy.

  3. Another question: is it typical for PR people to "confirm with the council" someone's slot to testify? Don't people have to call themselves to sign up to testify? or maybe if you are an Important Person you can have your PR folks set it all up for you?

  4. Lyda, thanks for your comment. However, as we know, no one holding a Montgomery County government position is required by the citizens, or by anyone, for that matter, to follow the law, or adhere to any ethical standards. This is what the voters in the county prefer. sleazy cronyist behavior, and law breaking. I don't understand it myself, maybe someone could post here and explain it to me. To be clear, here is my question: why do you as a voter prefer a cronyist, let's-make-a-deal-behind-the-scenes government to an open, transparent government?


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