
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are MCPS Teachers Cowards?

Those who know me know I’m no fan of Jerry Weast, the former superintendent of the Montgomery County Public Schools. One can find a fairly long list of blog postings, including here and here where I hold no punches when criticizing Weast and his legacy.
So, it feels strange to find myself almost defending Weast. A recent Washington Post "Answer Sheet" blog posting, written by MCPS teacher Lisa Farhi, seemed so wrong on so many fronts that I just had to come to Weast’s defense...


  1. Thanks for bringing this article to the attention of the PC blog readers. Farhi talks about 'de facto gag orders.' Could she respond and give some concrete examples? She also talks at length about how teachers have no say. But they vote for the MCEA leaders who sit at the secret budget table and lobby long and hard to influence the budget, the curriculum, state law, and the general running of the MCPS schools. And let's not forget the 'apple ballot,' provided by the teachers. Has Farhi been active in the MCEA? If not, why not? She has a very powerful organization she can influence. From a parent and citizen perspective, MCEA -- i.e., the teachers -- holds a lot of the cards.

  2. Lisa Farhi is not listed in the MCPS staff directory...has she left her position?


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