
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dr. Doran on How to Install an Artificial Turf Field at your School

Wootton Booster Club

Dr. Doran, the principal of Wootton HS, is so creative.

We are so lucky to have him as principal.  He has kids who score well on standardized tests, and, as a reward, he is able to get perks that simply aren't available in other schools in the county.

Last spring, this blogger wrote about Third Eye Blind concert at Wootton.  At that time, this blooger joked that it seemed the ulterior motive was to ultimately get an artificial turf field at Wootton High School.

This blogger was correct.  Artificial turf is coming to Wootton.

All parents need to do is come up with $200,000 to meet their end of the "partnership" with Bethesda Soccer League, the same folks who brought artificial turf to Walter Johnson High School.

Did I hear that the fundraising needs to be completed by December?

Funny, I don't recall that Gaithersburg or Paint Branch High Schools needed to raise a similar amount, and I know that Richard Montgomery and Montgomery Blair High Schools did not need to dig into their pockets to support a field.

What gives?  Is this a thank you for those test scores?

Pay up folks.  After all, its only $50 per student.  And you get to say that you went to the top nonmagnet high school in Mo Co.

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  1. Being a member of the Wootton community, I find your post a tad unnerving. The concert last spring took place in the parking lot of Wootton HS, nothing was done to the field with regards to set up or take down of the stage. By the way, the concert was fantastic and everyone loved it. Secondly, parents don't want to pay, they don't have to. The Booster Club exists to assist the Athletic Department at WHS and is completely voluntary to join.

    Please do not jump to the ridiculous end of the spectrum when a school is going to get something that will benefit everyone in the community. To me, it seems like a pretty good thing.

    1. Sorry, you are wrong about the concert. It WAS planned for the football field. It was moved after this blog wrote about the destruction that would occur to the field from a rock concert.

      And, you are completely wrong about "getting something that will benefit everyone in the community". Artificial turf football fields are fenced and LOCKED. The public is no longer permitted to use their neighborhood high school football field. Only paying customers get the key to the gate.

      And, the community will pay for the clean up of the crumb rubber when it fills the neighboring streams. Unless you imagine the Booster Club picking up 120 tons of crumb rubber, that crumb rubber will pollute our streams.

      Last, the public will have to pay when the artificial turf fails. And, it will fail sooner than expected. The public will have to pay to put in a new football field.

    2. The concert was moved because of the rain, don't give yourself so much credit. With regards to the field, the Bermuda grass field that's installed now is locked and fenced - a stadium field is a stadium field whether or not it's made of rubber or grass. Secondly, it's clear that you have never stepped on a turf field due to your incorrect view of crumb rubber's mass destruction. The stuff sticks to your socks and will be spread as far as the track around the field, nowhere near the stream (which is 25 yards behind the away stands behind huge trees). Again, you take this to the extreme by suggesting that the rubber will "fill the neighboring streams." I'd love to be enlightened as to how an installed turf field can fail as well.

      I understand and respect how much you care for this issue, I really do. Mind you, however, that taking these notions to the extreme end of the spectrum only freaks people out and entertains this writer.


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