
Monday, January 7, 2013

Credit Card Abuse & Misuse Continues in MCPS

And, why not? Why shouldn't MCPS administrators abuse credit card privileges?  MCPS has over $2 billion dollars of cash to play with and no oversight from any elected officials   So, party on!  

The Parents' Coalition first exposed the issue of MCPS American Express credit cards being abused and misused by MCPS staff back in 2007.  We documented that at that time there were over 1,400 personal American Express credit cards floating around MCPS. 

In 2009, a Maryland State Audit of MCPS confirmed what the Parents' Coalition had exposed.

Yet, here we are in 2013 and the credit card abuses and misuses continue.   

Today, we made public a document that the Board of Education doesn't want you to see.  It's the MCPS Annual Report of the Internal Auditors and the BOE discussed it at an off-camera committee meeting in an attempt to keep the report quiet.  

Here's what today's Audit report says about MCPS staff use of their American Express (AMEX) credit cards:
"Monthly procurement card [AMEX] logs were not maintained, did not have receipts to support purchases, and lacked review by the principal or community superintendent.  Some purchases were made by dividing a single procurement amount into several lesser amounts in order to circumvent daily or monthly transaction limits."

It's only taxpayer dollars!  Who needs receipts and rules! There's plenty more where this came from!  Look for MCPS administrators at Rockville restaurants today!

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