
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Gazette:  AP success for Montgomery’s class of 2012, but gaps widen

...In Wednesday’s data, the percentage of white graduates taking at least one exam increased the most of all racial groups last year, by 2.7 percentage points to 81.1 percent, while black graduates were the only group to see participation drop, by 1.5 percentage points to 43 percent.
That made the gap in participation of black and white graduates widen by 4.2 percentage points, creating a 38.1 percentage point difference.
Of Hispanic graduates, 54.2 percent took one or more exams in 2012, compared to 53 percent in 2011. Still, the participation gap between Hispanic and white graduates widen by 1.5 percentage points to 26.9 percent...

1 comment:


    Maryland black students went down 0.6%, but the number passing the exam went UP 0.6%.

    Some have voiced concerns that schools are encouraging AP test taking for school ranking purposes when the realistic chances of passing are low. In this category, we can at least be pleased that those who DO take the test have a higher chance of having college credit to show for their time, effort, and money.

    I didn't see a report for Montgomery only. It's possible we could be an outlier.


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