
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Starr Increases FY 14 Budget $2.3 Million

Why not?

Superintendent Joshua Starr has released an Amended FY 2014 MCPS Operating Budget.

Superintendent Starr's original request was for $2,217,247,656.

His new request is for $2,219,627,546.

That's an increase of $2,379,890.

Most of the increase is directed at training teachers in the Pearson Curriculum.  $2.1 MILLION for teacher training in the Pearson Curriculum. What happened to Pearson's contribution to this private-public super cool deal

Remember that Weast sold the BOE on this deal because MCPS needed the money! Why are the costs associated with the Pearson curriculum deal increasing? Why are there no profits?

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