
Monday, February 25, 2013

Memo to Pat O'Neill, Board of Education

Did I hear you correctly?

Do you really think Montgomery County is full of citizens going out and eating a $75 dollar steak dinner every Friday night?

Maybe that's what they do in your neck of the woods. But in case you haven't noticed...the economic recovery is not complete. And even before the downturn, this county was full of families who don't "go out and eat a $75 dollar steak dinner" every Friday night.

There are families in this county who cannot afford a $75 dollar steak dinner ever. Did you miss the $5.00 a day SNAP challenge?

It's not a matter of foregoing excessive luxuries so that we can fund the school system at the level you deem necessary.

You owe an apology to the Montgomery County families and students who are living in poverty for your flip remarks of what you think people need to do in order to fully fund your budget request.


  1. Where did she say this? Was it reported anywhere besides here?

  2. Last night at BOE budget meeting, where she was trying to justify the MCPS budget increase by saying it's only $75 dollars, and that families should just give up their "Friday Night $75 dollar steak dinner" to help the children.

    I will watch the replay and get the exact quote.

  3. Let's add this bill to the 'price of a cup of coffee' that Councilmember Marc Elrich (D-At-large) said Montgomery County citizens can afford to pay for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, coming soon to a street near you (except you folks who live in Potomac; no public buses for you). Ms. O'Neill's assertion must be true because just the other week the council voted (except for council member Nancy Floreen [D-At-large], who voted no) to give $500k to the county Department of Transportation to 'study' BRT. Next up: the council will vote to give $8.5Million to DOT for further BRT 'studies.'

  4. you know she didn't do the snap thing


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