
Monday, February 25, 2013

Starr Adding to Daly Elementary School Cell Tower

February 2013:  Construction
 on Daly Elementary
 School playground
Which is it Superintendent Joshua Starr? Are cell towers banned at all MCPS elementary schools EXCEPT Daly Elementary?

What's the exception for Daly Elementary?

Now that you can make these decision by yourself, without any Board of Education discussion, what's your answer?

Tweet and let the public know what you are doing.


  1. What a lovely view from the houses across the street from the ES. I am sure that will improve home values in the neighborhood.

  2. Oh, and you folks across the street, many members of the BOE that approves this tower are up for election next year. Don't forget to thank them by voting for their re-election.

  3. Those houses aren't across the street, the tower is right next to their property! And the BOE never voted on the cell tower, Jerry Weast signed the lease with no vote or discussion with the BOE. The public voted no for the cell tower but that answer wasn't good enough so a phone vote went out to the PTA members only and the vote came back overwhelmingly FOR the cell tower! Funny how no one ever saw those results......

    I wonder if M-NCPPC Montgomery Parks knows those cars and trucks drove thru Clearspring Park and parked on the soccer field that is rented out to clubs? Why wasn't the driveway used that was made specifically for the purpose of having access to the cell tower?

    1. There are no houses "right next" to the tower. However there are some townhouses across Scenery and up the road a bit as well as the homes you see in the background of the picture which are past the playground on the far side of the school's property. In fact the tower isn't even on the playground like this site likes to proclaim. The tower is on the field above the playground where the students have recess.

      An in-person vote was held at a PTA meeting. The results of that vote were against building the cell tower.

    2. For those of us who have actually been to Daly Elementary School we know that the cell tower IS on the playground.

      The area behind public schools is called the playground. And, at Daly Elemenatary Superintendent Jerry Weast and Superintendent Joshua Starr have chosen to use the playground area for a commercial vendor instead of public school children.

      Daly ES children have been at recess when cell tower workers have shown up to work on the tower. Please explain how safe it is to have trucks driving next to the blacktop during recess?

      Yes, you are correct that the PTA voted against the cell tower. Not that anyone cares. The MCPS Superintendent is the supreme power in these decisions and could care less about PTA input.

    3. The playground is the area where the students play. The students are not allowed up the hill where the tower is located therefore the tower is not on the playground but merely on the school property.

    4. What planet are you from? Lame comments from the MCPS PR Department. C'mon we know you can do better? Remember, your "we can store grass in a shed for the winter press release?"

      There's no "hill" at Daly ES, unless you are an ant.

      Who exactly is on the playground afterschool and on weekends to tell children they are "not allowed" around the cell tower? No one!

      A school playground is available to the community afterschool, weekends and ALL summer. The land is the playground. Superintendents Joshua Starr and Jerry Weast put a commercial HAZMAT structure ON the playground. We have posted pictures of the playground and they are very clear. All the fibs in the world do not change reality. There is a HAZMAT facility on the PLAYGROUND at Daly ES.

  4. If the tower is right next to their property, where are they? Up to the homeowners. If they don't care, that is their issue.

    1. They are taking the pictures and asking questions.

  5. It would be interesting to know the tower details.

    Are the homeowners and the children's parents aware that the towers could be emanating radiation that some doctors caution against? It is the same as radiation from a cell phone only it is full body exposure.

    Many communities are trying to stop towers in their communities because of the potential long term effects. I cannot imagine my children going to school 8 hours a day five days a week knowing they were in this situation.

  6. It is shocking the PTA has not gone all out in protesting this. shocking. not my kids. I would start a revolution.

    1. But, they would be punished. Their children would be targeted.


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