
Monday, May 6, 2013

Bells Mill ES Parent: "I want to scream"

"most of the time marginalized...very disappointed...very difficult to have someone listen to's my child's life and they are playing around with my child's life..."


  1. Nope. Starr still doesn't get what parents have to go through. To him, no problems exist other than teachers perhaps not communicating well enough...or parents being not being able to understand why the school system "knows best". Sorry, don't expect any support from the "former special educator" on the existing, unfair process.

  2. What a crock. Starr said "the penalty for not following (special education) rules is significant." Oh really? NEVER, in the 20 years I have been involved in special ed, have I ever seen ANY ONE PENALIZED EVER.

  3. "Almost always" get it right? More likely, the school system makes it so "significantly complex" that the parents back down. One would have to explore further Starr's statement that, "we almost always resolve disputes. I totally agree with this parent's feeling that "Its the child's life, and they are playing with it." My family was left with little choice. Either accept the school system's plan developed by the school's "experts" or risk the child's health. There was no choice. True statement by Mr. Starr, "sometimes we (MCPS) don't get it right." So, where is the review? Are neutral parties involved?

  4. What a joke. I'm so sick of fighting the school system. All Mr Starr said was blah blah blah... Same as every IEP team does.... yes you to death then do the opposite. Makes me sick.

  5. After three years of battling and a private psychological report that confirmed the parents' attempts to be proactive and seek appropriate services, MCPS offered an option that the parents requested several years prior. The IEP Team gave no explanation. What a joke! I believe our situation was another example of MCPS wearing down the parents at an expensive effort for the tax payers. I agree, while MCPS claims they want to engage the parents positively, the process is truly tainted and, indeed, sickening.


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