
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

3 educators & 2 parents "have told The Washington Post that they reported Joynes to school leaders for incidents they considered inappropriate."

...According to court documents, school leaders placed restrictions on Joynes in November 2011, after two complaints. Joynes was told not to touch children, be alone with them, sit in the cafeteria during lunch or stay on the playground during recess. His classroom door was to remain open, and he was to use staff restrooms, not those for students, documents say.
At least one case described in the court filings involves alleged abuse of a child after those school restrictions began... 
[And in the the ultimate PR move, Superintendent Starr recorded himself at a meeting and then gave The Washington Post the recording.  Parents don't deserve to hear from the Superintendent directly?] 
...The board discussion Wednesday came six days after Starr promised administrators and supervisors that he would provide additional training to school leaders on how to handle alleged or suspected abuse and said new procedures were being designed “to track these cases centrally,” according to a recording of Starr’s Aug. 15 remarks.
The improvements, he said, would help educators do a better job of investigating allegations. Still, Starr said, “in the end, we as leaders in the district must accept responsibility for relentlessly and unapologetically protecting children at all times.”
He added that all allegations require attention.
“I want to be really clear and direct about something: If a parent, a staff member or a student ever raises a concern about the conduct of one of our employees, we must take swift and appropriate steps to investigate as quickly as possible,” he said, according to the recording, which school system officials provided to The Post...


  1. Starr says "we must take swift and appropriate steps to investigate as quickly as possible." Isn't his responsibility under Md Family Law Article 5-704 to report to Child Protective Services as quickly as possible, and leave it to CPS to investigate?
    Isn't that why MCPS is in this mess? It doesn't recognize its legal duty to report bad acts by staff to an outside agency and let that agency investigate?

  2. @justiceforall
    Myles Alban is not retired from MCPS (he still works for them) and we will not post comments that include personal medical information. If you wish to rephrase your comment by deleting personal information we will post it.


    ^The gray-haired gentleman with his back to the camera is MCPS lead investigator Myles Alban,a long retired MCPD officer. Terrifying to think that he will be determining the right vs. wrong of teachers in the school system.

  4. What hearing is that? Are you trying to say that feeble old man ran the MCPS's investigation without seeing the incident report from personnel and didn't know who wrote it? Are you also telling me that is MSTA union lawyer Gupta asking the hearing examiner for a recess so he can get his forgotten briefcase? Therefore, the smoking gun Feb 4, 2000 email was not allowed into evidence because of attorney error? And Picca was fired because of this?

    The same attorney Gupta who notified MCPS of Principal Floyd Starnes' criminal/immortal acts in June 2010?


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