
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Closer Look: Seclusion used between 4-6 times at Kemp Mill ES from 2007-2009

Here is another document from the recent litigation by former teachers at Kemp Mill Elementary School versus the Montgomery County Board of Education.

In this document we learn that the practice of taking a child into a small room and shutting the door had been used 4-6 times at Kemp Mill Elementary School between 2007-2009.  Why isn't the exact number of times known?  Isn't there a MCPS form that must be filled out each time a child is taken into seclusion by a MCPS staff member?

This document was a follow up to the July 19, 2010, memo that we posted yesterday.


  1. What Principal Starnes doesn't tell Compliance Specialist Kamenstein is that he took young boys into closets alone with him on weekend. He called it "weekend detention." Another non-existent MCPS policy Starnes created to satisfy his sexual appetite.

    The only two letters that matter from the May hearing of "The Kemp Mill Six" vs. MCPS/Starnes:

    MSTA Attorney Gupta to Compliance Specialist Kamenstein detailing Starnes' abuse/crimes:

    KMES Administrative Secretary Osburn to Asst State's Atty Chakin.

    Osburn was an institution at KMES for decades. She knew MCPS policy inside and out. For her to contact CPS and the authorities, a crime had to be committed.

    The school system propped up Starnes as competent and a non-deviant in the May hearing before Judge Rubin. It failed. So they agreed to a sizable, confidential financial settlement to prevent a ten-day trial from airing all of the documents the Parents Coalition is slowly acquiring.

    Hopefully the young boys Starnes molested in closets come forward as the girls did in the Joynes case. Hopefully the other men sexually harassed and groped as inst music teacher Scarci was band together in another mammoth class action suit.

    1. Remarkable Starnes still has his job. Is he sleeping with the superintendent?

  2. My son was in the closet with starnes. He has no memory of the event. His psychologist says it is normal to not be able to remember traumatic events, that he will remember when he is ready. NO ONE informed me, the parent. I learned through the KMES website and its authors, who brought court documents to light, years later. My son's behaviors are described by his psychiatrist as clearly indicative of sexual abuse. NOW WHAT I WANT TO KNOW - was it only one time - was each of those instances a different child - or did Starnes abuse my son multiple times? My son is no longer in his right mind, and we continue,years later, in intensive therapy. So of those "4-6" incidents - how many children???????

  3. In light of the Joynes' arrest, I wish the parent above would contact MCPD, CPS and the assistant state's attorney again.

    Your son was NOT the only one. Your son was the subject of Carole Osburn's letter to Chakin over two years ago.

    I am hoping you and the others brutalized by this monster get justice, even if it is justice delayed.

    1. Laurie, I went to MCPD, I went to CPS, they blew me off, I had all our therapists (psychologist, psychiatrist, special ed program clinical director (psychiatrist, psychologist, pediatrician, educational advocate) all go to CPS and CPS said they "investigated" and they have no role because the child is not currently in danger. MCPD said they cannot do anything if the child cannot disclose. Child cannot disclose if he has no memory, although his behaviors speak volumes. He is also terrified of men in general and of police in particular so I believe he was threatened by Starnes, but it also means he cannot possibly testify, or be interviewed by authorities. (During the worst times, he kept screaming "I don't want to go to Juvy." so i believe he was told that if he told the police would lock him up. Don't know for sure and can't prove it) He is also afraid of closed doors. Do you see a pattern here? I cannot afford a lawyer, I went bankrupt and lost my home paying to fight MCPS to get him into a therapeutic school (lawyer, educational advocate, psychologist, psychiatrist). All the adminstrators at MCPS said he was fine and should go to a regular school. This when he was suicidal, had been in the psychiatric hospital, was out of his mind, couldn't sleep from fear, terrified to go to the bathroom (he has since remembered incidents of Starnes in the children's bathroom and inappropriate behaviors there). What can I do? We cannot continue to relive the trauma. I cannot subject my son to court. Is there a lawyer that is willing to take this on as a case? I don't think so when the others aren't stepping forward. My son's experience and lack of memory is not strong enough to make a case, unless we had more abused children's famlies also speaking out. Kind strong women who helped me brought the case to the State Attorney General and to the FBI. We cannot get anywhere. My son is out of that school and is safe (except for the suicidality) but I worry constantly about all the children in KMES who are not safe, and there is NOONE to protect them. No one seems to care. What do I do? I had hoped the teachers would be able to get the principal out. Now, where is any hope?

  4. Starnes didn't know the book room closet in his school had no windows? And he exited after 20 seconds? That lie is so pathetic it is almost comical. If young boys weren't being molested in those very closets, as his own admin secretary highlighted.

    Kamenstein refused to investigate Starnes even after MSTA attorney Gupta penned this telling letter to her in June 2010


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