
Friday, August 30, 2013

Delegate Eric Luedtke Charging Students $80 to Attend Public School

Maryland Delegate Eric Luedtke is also a MCPS teacher.

We are pretty sure that Delegate Luedtke is familiar with the Maryland Constitution's guarantee of a free public education, yet here we see him charging students $80 to attend Outdoor Education at his school. He's a social studies teacher after all, so shouldn't he be familiar with the Maryland Constitution?

Outdoor Education is a program that is part of the MCPS curriculum, but in order to charge students for this class program MCPS administrators deny that the program is part of the curriculum.  MCPS administrators say that if your child does not attend the Outdoor Education program they will receive the same instruction sitting in a classroom while all their classmates go on an overnight.

The Board of Education approves of this charade and has set the fee for students to attend Outdoor Education at $76.  Yet, even $76 isn't enough for Delegate Luedtke.  He's charging his students $80 to attend Outdoor Education!


  1. Seems that most of this fee could cover food for students. Should taxpayers be picking up all meals for kids for 3 days? I understand your point about not charging fees, but paying for every student's food shouldn't be covered by MCPS.

    1. $80? What are they serving Lobster at every meal? Where do you shop that it costs $80 to feed a child 6 meals?

      Again, how is it that Frederick County can run this program without charging students?

      If MCPS has made this part of the curriculum, then that is their choice. Kids have to eat. That's life.

    2. Simple soultion. Remove Outdoor Ed from MCPS. Happy now?

      BTW, it costs $$ to transport people to/from the location, to pay stipends to the teachers who are there 24 hrs/day for three days, etc. Oh wait, the teachers should do this for free, right?

    3. Simple solution: Spend the $21,000,000 MCPS Operating Budget surplus on students and give every child access to Outdoor Education for free, just like Frederick County does.

  2. $21,800,000 is the current surplus in the MCPS Operating Budget. Why is Superintendent Joshua Starr holding on to that money and at the same time trying to charge students for attending public school?


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