
Friday, August 30, 2013

Starr, what are you, a teenager or a celebrity?

From an anonymous Parents' Coalition reader:

Starr, what are you, a teenager or a celebrity? With all due respect, twitter is a stupid way to communicate anything except the most trivial ideas. There is no room for complexity, nuance, thoughtful debates. What are you doing to address safety in the schools, particularly sexual abuse of children; failure of teachers, principals and administrators to report; failure of Board of Education to step in and provide oversight? Why does it take so long to get abusers out of the schools and away from the children? What are you doing to get rid of extreme bullying? What are you doing to put a stop to pre-gang behavior in elementary schools? What are you doing to help the children who have been damaged in the schools? Please give us your philosphy and your plan (you are the leader, no?) in 160 characters. Thank you.

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