
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

2000: MCPS Transfers Teacher Again, Adds Restrictions, Returns Teacher to Classroom

The Parents' Coalition has obtained a copy of a 2000 letter of reprimand to a MCPS teacher.

Note that again this letter details the allegations involving this teacher, restrictions on the interactions of this teacher with students, and the transfer of this teacher to a new school. This teacher remained in MCPS classrooms until May 10, 2011, sixteen years after the original letter of reprimand.

Now, what other institution does this remind you of?  Discover allegations of child abuse, cover up, move adult to new location in institution but do not remove adult from contact with children...

How many other MCPS teachers have letters of reprimand with regard to their interactions with students in their files?  

How many MCPS teachers have been transferred to new schools after allegations of improper contact with students?


  1. Well, I can tell you that at Kemp Mill, Picca violated those restrictions left right and sideways. Nancy Evans did not keep on top of him. By the time Floyd Starnes showed up on the scene Picca had snookered another group of colleagues and parents into thinking he was the best thing since sliced bread.

    1. Floyd Starnes did not keep on top of him either........until, Dan Picca, armed with complaints about Floyd Starnes' inappropriate behavior toward male staff members and children, reported his behavior to the union. Starnes is no hero. Starnes was looking out for himself in order to cover his own sick behavior toward children at Kemp Mill. With Dan's record, he should never have been placed back in the classroom. However, what is Starnes still doing in the school?!!!!

  2. Picca was suspended in May of 2010, not May of 2011. He certainly was not at Kemp Mill after May 2010, was he at another school in the meantime?

    1. The termination date on this teacher was May of 2011 according to the State Board of Education Opinion.

    2. That may have been the effective date of his termination (I believe after his appeals through the county BOE) but he wasn't in the classroom. He was busily appealing the state's denial of unemployment benefits.

  3. This "reprimand with restrictions" came five days after the email below between MCPS Resource Head Stan Schaub & MCPS lead attorney Judith Bresler.

    "Setting something up that we could nail him (Picca) on later"

    "My feeling is the superintendent (Weast) wants to be separated from this (the set up)"

    Do you think that is a coincidence?

    It doesn't take Perry Mason to figure out Picca was framed for his union activities. He was the one who blew the whistle on Kemp Mill ES Principal Floyd Starnes' closet antics with children & sexual harassment of staff members.

    Picca was suspended from MCPS in April 2010. Not May 2011.

    I can see why Delegate Luedtke is contemplating taking legal action against Sartucci & this site. It is a fountain of misinformation.

    1. Perry Mason can also read the Superintendent Paul Vance reprimand letter from 1995.

      These letter have been posted to show that MCPS leaves teachers in classrooms with restrictions on their ability to touch and interact with students.

      Why MCEA, the teachers' union, allows these restrictions to be placed on classroom teachers is a question that we would like to have answered.

  4. @MCPS Cover-Up, how is this site a 'fountain of misinformation?' All Parents' Coalition is doing is posting documents.

    1. @ Anon 9:34

      The SaveKMES people define "misinformation" as anything that presents Daniel Picca as less than a saint.

      If the 1995 and 2000 reprimands were in retaliation for his "union activity" then Picca could have appealed those reprimands and/or pursued legal action when those reprimands were issued. Crying foul 18 and 13 years after the fact? I'm not buying it.

  5. In the letter Weast writes, "I have determined there is no evidence to indicate sexual contact...' Since when is Dr. Weast, who had a degree in Education, qualified to make that determination?

  6. So, Luxmanor was not an "appropriate assignment" but Kemp Mill was. Good to know.

    1. Yes, apparently so. And it's infuriating.

      Did Nancy Evans know what she was getting? If so did she have the option of saying NO *bleeping* WAY is that man setting foot in my school?

      If she didn't know, that's disturbing.

      If Picca were forced on her, that's disturbing.

      If she chose to accept him onto her staff, that's disturbing.

      There is nothing about Picca's arrival at Kemp Mil that can be viewed charitably.

    2. If a sexual abuse incident is confirmed by CPS, the abuser is placed on a public list. The school system is required to keep children safe and should remove offenders from contact with children. However, this process assumes requires sufficient reporting, and the investigators are able to establish sufficient facts of abuse to present to a Court. Similar to rape, sexual abuse is an underreported crime.

  7. Nancy Evans knew that Picca had prior issues with reported inappropriate behavior. She was given directives for him to follow when he was employed at Kemp Mill. Picca was an involuntary transfer. All principals must accept involuntary transfers.
    Picca had an indicated label with CPS. So, how can a teacher, given an indicated label, be placed back in the classroom?! That is my question.
    Not only were there directives from MCPS regarding Picca's behavior, but he had an indicated label from CPS!!
    I am not only troubled by MCPS, but I am also troubled by Montgomery County CPS. It took Baltimore County CPS to have Joynes removed from MCPS and put in jail. Where was Montomery County CPS with regard to Joynes. What is CPS doing about Principal Starnes given the numerous reports to them from parents, psychiatrists and staff regarding his highly inappropriate behavior with children?
    Something is definitely not right in Montgomery County.

  8. these coments ,is sufficient evidencis,for close school publics.... "school publics special education"close soon, only damage , destroy chidrens,.......parents put eyes and (school publics "special education "

  9. @Downcounty Asst Principal - Sorry, it's not happening. You may not post about students.


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